Annual Sponsorship
Annual Sponsorships offer your company greater visibility, recognition, and access to MFA members. Our sponsors help support MFA events and advocacy efforts. MFA has five levels of Annual Sponsorship:
LOBLOLLY SPONSORS – $8,000.00 annually
E-newsletter recognition (published once per month or as needed)
Company logo and web-link included in each issue
Banner Ad (rotating with other sponsors)
Website Recognition
Company logo and web-link included on the MFA website
Event Recognition
Verbal recognition at MFA events
Company logo on Sponsor signage
Vendor table at all MFA events
The CrossCut – The MFA’s print magazine (3 - 4 issues per year)
Logo and recognition in each edition of the magazine for a year
Complimentary one-page ad (rotating with other sponsors)
Up to 20 MFA memberships for one year
SUGAR MAPLE SPONSORS – $3,000.00 annually
E-newsletter recognition (published once per month or as needed)
Company logo and web-link included in each issue
Banner Ad (rotating with other sponsors)
Website Recognition
Company logo and web-link included on the MFA website
Event Recognition
Verbal recognition at MFA events
Company logo on Sponsor signage
Vendor table at all MFA events
The CrossCut – The MFA’s print magazine (3 - 4 issues per year)
Logo and recognition in each edition of the magazine for a year
Complimentary 1/2 page ad (rotating with other sponsors)
Up to 10 MFA memberships for one year
WYE OAK SPONSORS – $1,500.00 annually
E-newsletter recognition (published once per month or as needed)
Company logo and web-link included in each issue
Banner Ad (rotating with other sponsors)
Website Recognition
Company logo and web-link included on the MFA website
Event Recognition
Verbal recognition at MFA events
Company logo on Sponsor signage
Vendor table at one MFA event per year
The CrossCut – The MFA’s print magazine (3 - 4 issues per year)
Logo and recognition in each edition of the magazine for a year
Complimentary 1/4 page ad (rotating with other sponsors)
Up to 5 MFA memberships for one year
SYCAMORE SPONSORS – $1,000.00 annually
E-newsletter recognition (published once per month or as needed)
Company logo included in each issue
Website Recognition
Company logo included on the MFA website
Event Recognition
Company logo on Sponsor signage
The CrossCut – The MFA’s print magazine (3 - 4 issues per year)
Logo and recognition in each edition of the magazine for a year
Up to 3 MFA memberships for one year
DOGWOOD SPONSORS - $600.00 annually
E-newsletter recognition (published once per month or as needed)
Company name listed in each issue
Website Recognition
Company name listed on the MFA website
Event Recognition
Company name on Sponsor signage
The CrossCut – The MFA’s print magazine (3 - 4 issues per year)
Company name listed in each issue for one year
One MFA membership for one year
Download Sponsorship Form | Online Sponsorship Form
Additional Sponsorship Opportunities
In addition to our Annual Sponsorship levels, MFA offers opportunities to sponsor the Annual Meeting or specific Regional Meetings.
Includes Sponsorship of the Annual Meeting and all Regional Meetings
Vendor table at the Annual Meeting
One free attendee at one of the Regional Meetings
Signage, verbal, website, and promotional materials recognition
Sponsors one of the regional meetings
One free attendee at the meeting chosen
Signage, verbal, website, and promotional materials recognition
Individual Membership
Need to renew your membership in the MFA? Select from the links below on how to renew your membership, and on behalf of the MFA, thank you for your continued support! (The MFA is requesting renewals at your earliest convenience).
Renew Via Mail (Note: you should have received a pre-filled renewal form in the mail)