Join the Maryland Forests Association and the MD/DE Society of American Foresters as we host a welcome breakfast for legislators on Tuesday, January 31st, at the Governor Calvert House. This breakfast will allow new and returning legislators to meet with members of the forestry community to exchange ideas and information. Following breakfast, we have a program lined up to inform our members about policy initiatives, connecting with legislators, and other current topics impacting our sector.
Tentative Agenda:
7:00 AM Doors open to set up displays and registration table.
8:00 AM Registration Opens
8:20 - 9:30 AM Legislative Breakfast- Welcome and Awards from MFA- Beth Hill, MFA Executive Director
9:30–9:40 AM Welcome from SAF-Matt Hurd, MD/DE SAF Executive Committee
9:40 - 10:15 AM Policy Update /Current Issues from MFA, Joe Hinson and the Maryland Forestry Foundation, Gary Allen
10:15 - 10:30 am Break
10:30 - 11:00 AM Communicating and Working with Legislators – The Rural Maryland Council-Charlotte Davis
11:00 –12:00 PM Panel: Challenges, Opportunities, and Technology- Biomass Facilities- Maura Ross, Maryland Clean Energy Center; Northern Long Earred Bat Update-Tim O'Hara, Forest Resource Association; Emerging Wood Technolgy in Maryland- Professor Liangbing "Bing" Hu, Founder of Inventwood
12:00 PM Wrap and Adjourn- Frederick County Forum Announcement
1:00 PM- all displays removed
Location: Governor Calvert House- 58 State Circle, Annapolis, MD
Parking: Day-In-Annapolis participants can either park in one of the garages downtown for about $16.00 per day or in the Naval Academy Stadium lot for $5.00. You may take the shuttle from the stadium to downtown, where it will drop you off at Lawyer's Mall in front of the State House. The shuttle runs about every 15 minutes from 6:30 AM until 7:00 PM.
Directions to Stadium: Take Route 50 to Annapolis; take Exit 24 onto Rowe Blvd towards downtown Annapolis.
Turn right onto Taylor Avenue just after the Courthouse. The lot is the third entrance on the right.
Registration Link:
Space is limited; register today! Registration closes on January 21st or when we reach capacity.
As always, we thank our generous Sponsors and Members for their continued support, and we hope to see you there!
Questions? Contact Beth Hill at 410-463-1755 or or Matt Hurd at
2 MD/ DE Master Logger CE credits will be offered. SAF credits are pending. Check back for updates!
This event is supported by these businesses and organizations that truly care about forest health & sustainable forestry practices that lead to forest retention and the current issues impacting our sector in Maryland. Want to join the list? Contact us today!

Grant funding for MFA's ongoing work to assist in the implementation of the Economic Adjustment Strategy provided by: