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MFA Member Discount and Rebate Programs

Reduced Rates on Hunting Lease and Timberland Liability Insurances


MFA offers insurance programs exclusively for members:


Through a partnership between the Maryland Forest Association and Outdoor Underwriters, Inc., members can now purchase hunting lease liability insurance that provides EXCELLENT COVERAGE AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE. For less than the price of a new tree stand, you can protect your hunt club, all of its members and guests, and even the landowner with a $1 million policy.

To help protect you, we have developed a liability program that provides legal liability coverage for timberland owners. This coverage is designed to provide general liability protection for owners of vacant timberland.

Coverages Includes:

• Owners, Landlord, And Tenant Liability

• Liability Limit To $1,000,000 Per Occurrence

• Special Master Policy Rating Basis


To find out more, please visit the MFA Member Insurance Program at


American Loggers Council Rebate Program


MFA has joined forces with ALC and is proud to be able to extend its rebate program to our active members. Why? Because we are stronger together! ALC now represents loggers in Maryland and 37 other states. Click here to learn more about the American Loggers Council.





Members receive a $1,000 - $4,000 rebate on CV, MV, HV & HX Models. Rebate is based on truck model and cofiguration. 




The rebate amount is based on the truck model and configuration. $3,000 for 49X or 4900 model with vehicle service code A85-012, Logging Service Truck. 





MFA Members get 17% off Vestige camera systems. 




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Product Discount


If you are an active member of the MFA, you are eligible to receive a 7% discount with Forestry Suppliers, Inc. Take a look at their catalog to see the range of great products that they offer. Email the MFA for more information on how to take advantage of this great deal, and start saving today!




Follow MFA on Instagram @mdforests

Maryland Forests Association, Inc.

P.O. BOX 332, Linkwood, MD 21835

(410) 463 - 1755  •


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